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How Much is Alcohol Rehab in CANADA- The Ultimate Guide

Though the alcohol rehab cost in Canada varies, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000 for a 30-day program or even more. The cost varies depending on the treatment type, location of the therapy center, treatment duration, etc.

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Living in Ontario, I have seen people with the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) getting free or cheaper rehabilitation programs than the private ones. According to Addiction Resource reports,

“Private therapy in residential treatment can cost anywhere from $300 to $700 a day.”

So, as you can see, it depends on various things. But don’t worry; in this context, I’ll disclose everything you should know about the cost of rehab in Canada.

Private Vs Public Alcohol Rehab Cost in Canada

Public RehabVSPrivate Rehab
Lower cost ($5,000 to $15,000 per month) Higher cost ($10,000 to $50,000 per month)
Can have long waitlists Shorter waitlists
Less personalized attention More personalized attention
Fewer amenities facility More amenities facility
Public VS Private Rehab in Canada

Private rehab centers resemble a more personalized approach, offering tailored treatment plans that cater to individual needs than public rehab in Canada.

While the cost may be higher, it often translates into a wider range of amenities with shorter waitlists, which you don’t get in the private ones.

Below is a breakdown of the average cost of different rehab treatments in Canada:

cost ranges of different rehab treatments in canada

Irrespective of the rehab center types, you can now have a complete idea of different rehab treatment costs.

Depending on the addicted person’s condition, the treatment varies, so as does the treatment cost. For example, a person with an early stage of AUD might need just detoxification, which can cost around $1,000 to $5,000 for each session.

However, a last-stage addicted one might need residential rehab programs consisting of monthly therapies. This might cost $15,000 to $25,000 monthly or $600 to $1,200 per day if you opt for an inpatient treatment.

Again, private therapy in residential treatment can cost anywhere from $300 to $700 a day, and a personal therapist can cost up to $200 an hour.

However, after completing full programs, one might need to go for aftercare sessions such as relapsing or outpatient treatments for follow-up. And this might cost around $50 to $500 for each session.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Alcohol Addiction Rehab in Canada

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Different factors can affect the alcohol rehab cost in Canada. Let’s check out them so that you can have a better idea of the expenses.

Available Amenities

The more amenities in rehab centers, the higher the cost. Luxury rehabs offer a range of amenities, from massages and acupuncture to swimming pools and sports activities, all at a premium cost.

These high-end facilities cater to the wealthy and famous, with monthly rates reaching tens of thousands of dollars and total costs exceeding a hundred thousand dollars in 90 days. However, luxury rehabs aren’t suitable for everyone, and only a select few exist in Canada.

‌Type of Treatment 

The treatment type also affects the cost. For example, Inpatient treatment will cost much higher than outpatient sessions due to 24/7 supervision and intensive care facilities. However, the residential programs in Canada cost slightly less compared to other states.

Duration of Rehabilitation

Obviously, the longer your treatment continues, the costlier it becomes. Those who need inpatient treatment, like 30-day programs, cost more than those who need a few sessions or outpatient treatment.

Private Rehab

The cost of rehab in Canada largely depends on the rehab type, whether govt. or privately owned.
Undoubtedly, the cost of private drug and rehab centers in Canada may range from $10,000 to $30,000 for a 30-day program. Similarly, inpatient treatments at private centers can be as costly as CAD 300 per day, depending on the services.

Public Rehab

Publicly funded rehab, like a helping hand extended by the community, often comes at a lower cost, alleviating financial strain during this crucial phase of recovery.  But the waitlists might stretch your back pain sometimes.

Additional Programs (Medically Guided Detox, Residential Treatment, In-House/Hospitalization)

Apart from the treatments, additional services like counseling, therapies, detoxification, hospitalization, etc. offered by the rehabilitation can break the bank.  Luckily, not all addicted ones need these additional programs.

People Also Asked

Is The Cost Of Addiction Treatment Worth It?

Indeed, it is. The cost of addiction treatment in Canada rehabs might seem higher, but this is really worth it, and I can say this from my personal experience. When my best friend came out of the UMATTERCARE rehab for addiction treatment, his family paid around $25000 for a month of rehabilitation. And we can feel what a positive mindset he possesses now. And he still goes there for follow-up. And this does not cost much now.

Remember, addiction treatment is about healing, not miracles. Don’t let false promises sway you. No treatment center can guarantee success or claim the highest success rates.

No matter how much you expend on this, the ultimate result will depend on personal efforts and attempts as well as a strong, supportive environment.  

So, alcohol rehab cost Canada can be expensive, but it’s worth it. Find a program that fits your budget and your loved one’s long-term goals. Together, you can reclaim a life free from addiction.

Tony McKenzie

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