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The Limitations of Jail-Based Alcohol Rehab Programs

Drawing from my wealth of knowledge, I can say some jails have drug rehabilitation in prison, but they are often not good enough to help addicts get clean and keep away from going back to drinking. 

According to an addiction health forum, you need realization, intervention, and action.  Source: JourneyPure

The Limitations alcohol rehab in jail

But you may not get the necessities in jail. Some points of no return at jail-related rehab are-

AA Groups And Counseling Are Available

Several jails offer Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings and counseling, but it’s usually up to the inmates to go to them, and they don’t always happen. 

From my years of experience, I can say these meetings and counseling may not address addiction, such as trauma, mental health problems, or having multiple disorders simultaneously.

Shorter Time: Not Time Worthy

Based on my research, individuals who go to jail for alcohol-related crimes serve short terms of a few days to a few months. 

Drug rehabilitation in prison makes it harder to change. Research shows successful alcohol rehab programs require at least 90 days of treatment and longer for people with severe addictions or other disorders.

Safety Concerns Slow Down Growth

Jails are not good places to improve because it’s often overcrowded, violent, and stressful. 

Also, jails may not have enough security measures to stop people from sneaking in drinks or drugs, making it harder for people trying to quit to do so.

Even I saw that addicts were facing mental health issues in jail because of a lack of proper surroundings. 

On the other hand, it’s common in prison because it’s a place of prisoners, and recovery from here is a bit tough.

Absence of MAT

I saw inmates with alcoholism may benefit from medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which uses drugs like naltrexone, acamprosate, or disulfiram to lessen cravings, withdrawal symptoms, or the effects of alcohol. 

But most jails don’t give MAT or have strict rules about who can get it, which can make it more likely that they will start using again or overdose. Currently, 15 state jails offer MAT.

Jail is the place for prison, and rehab is for recovery. But if one wants to get a sober life or get rid of addiction while in rehab. Things may become tougher with several restrictions.  And those are fair enough. So, get the knowledge first and then combine alcohol rehab in jail.

Tony McKenzie

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