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How Long Should You Stay in Alcohol Rehab? Prepare for the Best

In my practice, I’ve observed a minimum of 30 days is necessary to achieve long-term sobriety. 

However, the length of time you should stay in alcohol rehab depends on several factors, including the severity of your addiction, your individual needs, and your treatment goals.

Here, I will discuss how long one may stay in alcohol rehab, what to expect, and whatnot.

Parents with their child tensed about duration of alcohol rehab

Typical Alcohol Rehab Program Lengths: Detox to Aftercare

If you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol, you may question how to get assistance and recover. 

Alcohol rehab is a popular and practical choice. A typical rehab stay depends on various things. One can get free rehab treatment too! 

For a basic concept, below are some typical long term alcohol treatment and their pros and cons:

30-Day Alcohol Rehab Programs

30 day rehab programs are the cheapest and shortest.

It works best with mild to moderate addictions, no significant mental health issues, and strong family or community support.

Under medical supervision, a 30-day alcohol treatment program can help you detox safely and painlessly.

CBT, 12-step meetings, relapse prevention, and aftercare planning can also be taught.

A 30 day rehab programs disrupts your life less.

You can finish quickly and get back to normal. Shortening programs may be cheaper if you have limited insurance or financial resources.30 days rehab programs may not be adequate to help you overcome your addiction or transform your lifestyle.

60-Day Alcohol Rehab Programs

A 60-day alcohol treatment program has more rewards and obstacles than a 30-day one.

It is ideal for moderate to severe addicts with co-occurring mental health concerns who need more extensive and comprehensive therapy.

A 60-day alcohol treatment program offers all the benefits of a 30-day program plus more time and chances to recover.

You can treat your addiction’s psychological and emotional causes. 

Learn advanced stress, trigger, desire, and damaging emotion management abilities. Yoga, meditation, art therapy, and music therapy can improve physical, mental, and spiritual health.

A 60-day alcohol rehab program provides a more comprehensive and holistic rehabilitation.

You can improve and stay sober longer. You can also strengthen ties with peers and counselors and receive support and feedback.

60-day alcohol recovery programs are more challenging to finish than 30-day programs.

Boredom, frustration, temptation, and withdrawal symptoms may arise as you go. 

I have found while practicing Long-term alcohol treatment (60 Days) may need extra time and money, affecting one’s personal and professional duties.

At the same time, your family or workplace may need to help you plan your break.

90-Day Alcohol Rehab Programs

The most extensive alcohol rehab program is 90 days.

It indicates severe or persistent addictions, multiple or complicated co-occurring mental health conditions, and the highest degree of care and support.

A 90-day alcohol rehab program gives more time and resources to rehabilitate.

You can practice using what you learned in previous treatment phases in real life. 

Explore your personality, identity, beliefs, ambitions, and purpose in life. Trauma-informed care, dual diagnosis treatment, family therapy, and other customized services are available.

A 90-day alcohol rehab program offers the best chance of recovery.

You can heal entirely and avoid relapse. You can also build a solid foundation and long-term sobriety and wellness strategy. 

Benefit from the largest and most diverse support and resource network.

A 90-day alcohol treatment program is the hardest to complete.

Fatigue, boredom, loneliness, and doubt may be obstacles throughout treatment. NIDA advises 90 days of treatment.

This long-term alcohol treatment may need extra time and money, which could affect your personal and professional life. 

Your family and work may need more help to meet your demands and schedule.

Factors that Affect the Alcohol Rehab Duration

When it comes to rehab duration, common misconceptions often arise. 

Based on my experience, the key takeaway is it relies on many personal circumstances. 30-day rehab programs are standard, although one size isn’t for everyone. 

Facts that fluctuate the time frame are-

The Severity of Addiction

 It includes drinking history, amount, and mental or physical health difficulties.

The longer you need to stay in alcohol rehab to detoxify, address the root causes of drinking, and develop new coping skills, the more serious your addiction is.

The Availability of Resources: Grab the Facilities

Alcohol rehab duration involves finances, insurance, and treatment program selection.

You may have family or career obligations that limit your time away. Selecting a recovery program that meets your needs and budget requires consideration of timing.

Individual Progress in Rehab
Individual Progress in Alcohol Rehab Duration

Your motivation to recover, therapy response, and family and friend support determine this.

One of my patients, Ena, suffered from AUD and needed a longer time to conquer, challenge, and reach her goals in treatment. 

I, along with your alcohol recovery staff, should advise you on how long to stay.

Types of Rehab Therapies

Types of rehab therapies are one of the factors that impact the alcohol rehab duration. Inpatient, outpatient, residential, and partial hospitalization rehab programs for alcohol exist. 

Each has pros and cons and offers varied therapies like individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and alternative therapies. 

Your needs and preferences will determine the therapies you receive and how long you stay in alcohol rehab.

Personal Circumstances

Personal circumstances, including age, gender, culture, religion, education, occupation, and lifestyle, may affect rehab relationships, stress management, triggers, and cravings. 

Choose a recovery program that respects your identity and values by considering your circumstances.

Longer alcohol rehab stays may improve outcomes and reduce recurrence rates. To overcome alcohol addiction, you should stay in rehab as long as necessary.

Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Stay in Rehab

Kelly Osbourne, one of the known personalities in the industry, had addiction issues from an early age. 

She went to rehab seven times till now and stayed there in different time frames according to treatment plans. 

And after several attempts, she stayed sober for four long years from 2017-2021 and relapsed then. It indicated the timing, situation, aftercare, and facts that affect the duration.

She shared her story on an episode of “red table talk”.

Source: Kelly Osbourne

How to make alcohol rehab duration

You may be wondering how to maximize your rehab stay now that you know the specific signals you may need. Helpful tips for you

Be Sincere: Stay Focused

Admitting you need help with alcohol is a crucial step in recovery.

Honesty with yourself and others can help you overcome denial, shame, guilt, and fear that may prevent you from improving.

 Have a look at our known personalities who dealt with their addiction with honesty. Such as Bradley Cooper, Robert Downey Jr, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Holland.

It can also help you bond with your rehab counselors, therapists, and peers, who can provide support and direction.

Be Curious

Recovery is a journey, not a goal. Be open to fresh ideas to help you overcome alcoholism and enhance your life. 

Ask questions, get comments, and experiment. Explore your addiction and self with curiosity. Adapt to changing circumstances and obstacles.

Participate In Treatment

Attend treatment programs actively. Participate in treatment. Discuss, listen, give, and take feedback, do your homework, practice your abilities, and implement what you learn. 

Proactively manage your recuperation. Don’t expect people to help or fix you. Only you can make the necessary modifications.

Be Kind

Recovery is shared. You are part of a community facing similar issues. Be kind to rehab mates. 

Encourage, sympathize, and help others. Respect their space, opinions, and choices. 

Learn from them. Don’t critique or compare. Remember that everyone is trying their hardest.

Be Hopeful

Recovery is challenging but achievable. Be hopeful. Focus on the rewards of sobriety and recovery, not the expenses and sacrifices.

Celebrate all your accomplishments. Recognize your abilities. Work toward achievable goals. Imagine a healthy, alcohol-free life.

People Also Asked

Do Alcohol Rehabs Take a Long Time to Get into?

Not usually. Bed availability, care level, and insurance coverage determine this. Some rehabs have waitlists, while others accept patients immediately. 

Ask the rehab of your choosing about their admittance procedure and requirements.

Is 2 Weeks enough Time for Alcohol Rehab?

No, this is too short. The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends 90 days of treatment for most people.

Depending on requirements and goals, treatment lengths vary. Most experts think that 2 weeks is too short for alcohol recovery and that extended stays improve outcomes. 

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?

Average alcohol detox time takes days to weeks. Detox involves eliminating alcohol and managing withdrawal symptoms. 

A typical rehab stay depends on addiction severity, co-occurring conditions, and a detox program. Alcohol detox takes days to weeks.

How Long Does Rehab for Alcoholism Take?

60-90 days on average. Alcoholism rehab covers physical, psychological, and social issues.

Individual needs, preferences, and progress determine alcoholism rehab length. Some people need long-term programs, while others need short-term ones.

The severity of your addiction, the treatment you pick, and your own goals and preferences determine how long you stay in alcohol rehab. 

Some general rules can help you decide, but no one-size-fits-all answer exists. Know what to do if rehab doesn’t work for you.

Tony McKenzie

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